Getting Started With Quick Views

Create a Quick View

To create a Quick View, access your app in App Studio and then click "Start Building". Then click "Quick Views" above your App Configuration File. Your Quick View requires a Name, Display Page, and IFrame Source.


The Name for your Quick View. This name will also be referenced in your code as a requirement of the Quick View Messaging System.

Display Page

The ActiveCampaign CRM page that your Quick View will be displayed on. The available options are Contacts, Accounts, and Deals.

IFrame Source

The source for your Quick View code. You can provide a remote url or upload a zipped bundle

Remote URL

You can provide either a remote URL or upload a zipped bundle for your Quick View. The remote URL option allows you to host your own code and the only requirement is that the URL works in a cross-domain iframe.

Zipped Bundle

If you upload a zipped bundle, ActiveCampaign will automatically unpack and host the bundle for you. The zipped bundle has the following requirements:

  • The uploaded bundle must be a .zip file
  • The bundle includes an index.html file at the root of the directory
  • The maximum size for your bundle is 100 MB, with no individual file in the bundle exceeding 10 MB
  • Your bundle only contains supported file types


Compressing Multiple Files

If you are compressing multiple files, be sure to multi-select all of the files and compress them together. If you compress the directory that contains the files, it will result in the index.html file not being at the root of your zipped bundle.

Supported File Types

image/tiff image/bmp image/webp image/jpeg image/x-icon image/pjpeg image/png
text/css application/javascript text/html
font/woff2 application/font-woff font/otf application/x-font-ttf

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