Native apps built with App Studio focus on automating event processing. App Studio enables you to design the flow of data to and from ActiveCampaign.

App Studio apps center around contacts. An app built with App Studio is essentially a configuration file with one or more workflows to describe how the integration should connect and send or receive data. For example, an app may include an inbound workflow to create a contact based on data sent to ActiveCampaign by a 3rd party. Another example is an outbound workflow to send data to a 3rd party when a contact is updated.


Applications that focus on Customer Experience Automation through workflows. Inside of ActiveCampaign, Apps will be able to declare affinity to different sections of our ecosystem to add value for our customers.


An event is triggered by a change that has taken place within ActiveCampaign or a 3rd party system.


Example Events

“a contact was created”,
“a form was submitted”,
“the ticket status was changed”,
“a row was added to a worksheet”

To be used by an integration, these events should also include context about the event. For example, a "contact created" event should also contain the contact data.

External Resources

An external resource is a collection of data or information that is stored in a 3rd party system. Typically, the information stored in a resource will be modified whenever a change takes place. Examples of resources are “contacts”, “forms”, “tickets”, “meetings”, etc.

Resources can have different types of changes made to them. For example, a contact can be created, updated, deleted, etc. A ticket can be created, experience a status change, have a description deleted from it, etc. Apps allow data associated with such changes to modify contact data within ActiveCampaign.


For inbound integrations, 3rd party platforms are required to send data via webhooks to ActiveCampaign when new events occur (contact data updates, new contact added, form submitted, etc.). The payload must be JSON and should represent the resource that had a change occur.
A REST endpoint is required to subscribe and unsubscribe to webhooks for specific resources. Apps will provide a custom URL for each resource subscribed to.

Configuration File

A JSON file that describes an integration. The configuration file has four different sections: auth, api, data_intake (inbound only), and workflows.

  • The auth section defines how a user connects to an integration.
  • The api section defines basic API functionality that a 3rd-party provides such as pagination.
  • The data_intake section defines how to set up and manage webhooks (supported now) or other event notification capabilities (coming in future releases) used by 3rd-party APIs to send data (inbound) to ActiveCampaign.
  • The workflows section details how users can set up the integration with a guided experience, and how events are processed.


A workflow performs a task through a sequence of steps. It is normally set up once and can automatically complete a task when triggered by an event ("do this when that happens"). We support:

  1. A single inbound workflow
  2. Multiple outbound workflows and
  3. Multiple outbound workflows with an inbound workflow


Example Workflows:

"add new row in google sheets when a contact is created",
"create a contact when a form submission is received",
"update contact information in ActiveCampaign when an appointment is booked"

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