Typeform Inbound Example

The following example is a Typeform inbound configuration.

{ "$version": "2", "api": { "auth": "oauth2", "base_url": "https://api.typeform.com", "pagination": { "style": { "type": "page", "page_number": { "param": "page", "value": 1 }, "page_size": { "param": "page_size", "value": 200 } }, "parser": { "total_pages": { "!jq": ".page_count" } } } }, "auth": { "typeform_oauth2": { "type": "oauth2", "configuration": { "authorization_base_url": "https://api.typeform.com/oauth/authorize", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "", "scopes": [ "offline", "accounts:read", "workspaces:read", "forms:read", "responses:read", "webhooks:read", "webhooks:write" ], "refresh_url": "https://api.typeform.com/oauth/token", "token_url": "https://api.typeform.com/oauth/token" } } }, "data_intake": [ { "name": "form_webhook", "type": "webhook", "scope": "workflow", "create": { "!http": { "body": { "enabled": true, "url": "${webhook.url}" }, "method": "PUT", "path": "forms/${custom_data.form.value}/webhooks/${webhook.id}" } }, "delete": { "!http": { "method": "DELETE", "path": "forms/${custom_data.form.value}/webhooks/${webhook.id}" } } } ], "workflows": [ { "name": "typeform", "label": "Typeform", "type": "generic", "data_intake": "form_webhook", "auth": "typeform_oauth2", "resource_type": { "singular": "form", "plural": "forms" }, "setup": { "connect": { "label": "Connect", "describe_connection": { "!pipe": [ { "!http": { "method": "GET", "path": "/me" } }, { "!jq": ".body | {account_id: .email, description: [.alias, .email] | join(\" - \")}" } ] } }, "select": { "label": "Select Form", "description": "Select a form from the list.", "describe_selection": { "resource_id": { "!jq": "${custom_data.form.value}" }, "display": { "!jq": "${custom_data.form.display}" } }, "form_fields": [ { "label": "Choose Your Form", "type": "dropdown", "id": "form", "placeholder": "Select Form", "options": { "!pipe": [ { "!http": { "method": "GET", "path": "/forms", "pagination": true } }, { "!jq": "[.body.items[] | {display: .title, value: .id}]" } ] } } ] }, "map": { "label": "Mapping", "describe_source": { "label": "Typeform", "options": { "!pipe": [ { "!http": { "method": "GET", "path": "/forms/${custom_data.form.value}" } }, { "!jq": ".body | [(.hidden[]? | {id: ., title: ., type: \"hidden\"}), (.. | if .type? != null and .title != null and ([\"group\", \"form\", \"quiz\"] as $type | select( .type as $t | all( $type[]; . != $t))) then . else empty end | { id, title, type })]" } ] } }, "describe_target": { "label": "ActiveCampaign", "options": { "!resource": "ActiveCampaignContact.fields" } } } }, "data_pipeline": { "source": { "!jq": "([.body.form_response | .answers[] | { key: .field.id, value: (.text // .email // .date // .boolean // .url // .number // .phone_number // .file_url // .payment.amount // .choices.labels // .choice.label // .choice.other ) }] | from_entries) + (.form_response.hidden // {} | with_entries( .key |= .))" }, "target": { "!resource": "ActiveCampaignContact" } } } ] }

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