
Deals are a way to represent opportunities in the ActiveCampaign platform. A deal requires a primary contact to be assigned to the deal and any number of secondary contacts can be assigned as well. Deals can be moved between pipelines and stages.

In order to make requests to the Deals related API endpoints, the user should belong to a user group that has the Deals permission turned on.

Deals parameters available values

For following parameters:

  • search_field

Use following values:

Parameter valueMeaning
allAll three fields: title, contact, and org
titleDeal's title
contactDeal's primary contact's first name and last name. If search parameter has more than one word, first word is used for matching first name of contacts and rest of the words are used for matching last name of contacts.
orgDeal's primary contact's organization name

For following parameters:

  • status
  • deal.status

Use following values:

Parameter valueMeaning

For following parameters:

  • nextdate_range

Use following values:

Parameter valueMeaning
upcomingDeals with tasks that are due within 24 hours.
scheduledDeals with tasks that are due in more than 24 hours
overdueDeals with tasks that are past due dates.
no-taskDeals without any task.

For following parameters:

  • tag

Use following values:

Parameter valueMeaning
greater than 0Deals with primary contacts that have the tag with given id
-1Deals with primary contacts that have any tag
-2Deals with primary contacts that have no tag