
The ActiveCampaign Ecommerce GraphQL API contains search operations for its various object types.

A search request has two components: pagination info and filters.


The pagination object is in the following format:

Attribute NameDescription
offset(Int)The offset of the page. For example, an offset of 10 will cause the page to start at the 10th object returned for the result set. Must be >= 0. Default Value: 0
limit(Int)The number of objects to return. Must be >0 and <=100 Default Value: 20


By default, all results for an object (for example, all orders) will be returned by a search request. To return specific results, apply filters. Filters are applied based on the fields in the object being searched. For a full list of searchable fields per object type, check the search request documentation for that object type. For example, OrderSearchRequest.

When multiple filters are applied, the result is a logical intersection (also known as AND) of the filter results.

All filters follow the format:

filterOperator(Enum)The operator to be applied to the value. Must be one of: EQ, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, CONTAINS, IN
value (Object)A value to perform the filterOperator on. This is strongly typed. The type of this value will match the type of the filter.
sort(enum)How results should be sorted. Must be one of: ASC, DESC. Default Value: ASC

If a filter has a value populated, it requires a filterOperator.

A sort may be applied to a field without a value or filterOperator.

Search Request Examples

This order search request will find the first 20 orders (the default page size) for legacyConnectionId 21. Note that value on the legacyConnectionId filter is an integer.

{ searchOrder (filter: { legacyConnectionId: { value: 21 filterOperator: EQ } }) { id } }

This order search request will find 20 orders placed by email addresses containing the string "gmail". It will sort the results by email in ascending order. Note that value on the email filter is a string.

{ searchOrder (filter: { email: { value: "gmail" filterOperator: CONTAINS sort: ASC } }) { id } }

This order search request will return the 50th through 60th orders sorted by orderNumber in descending order. It will exclude test orders.

{ searchOrder (filter: { pagination: { offset: 50 limit: 10 } orderNumber: { sort: DESC } isTestOrder: { value: false filterOperator: EQ } }) { orderNumber } }

Filter Types

Depending on field types, the following filter type objects are available. All are identical except for the type of the value field.

Depending on the type, only certain filterOperators are valid, as specified below:

Filter Object TypeType of value fieldAvailable filterOperators
StringFieldFilterStringEQ, CONTAINS
NumberFieldFilterDecimalEQ, LT, LTE, GT, GTE
IntFieldFilterIntegerEQ, LT, LTE, GT, GTE
EnumCorresponding Enum typeEQ
AddressFilterSee: AddressFilter