Shared Objects

The following are objects that are shared across multiple request types in the Ecommerce GraphQL API.

BulkAsync Response

For asynchonous bulk operations, we return a reference id which references the entire bulk operation.

recordId (String)A guid identifier recording the batch being processed.


firstName (String)Customer first name for address
lastName (String)Customer last name for address
address1 (String)First line of address
address2 (String)Second line of address
address3 (String)Third line of address
city (String)Address city
province (String)Address province or state
country (String)Address country, using 2-letter country code
postal (String)Address postal or zip code
phone (String)Phone number for address
company (String)Company for address
email (String)Email associated with address


Within search requests, each subfield within the address filter is a StringFieldFilter. Users can set one or more of these filters.

firstName (StringFieldFilter)Customer first name for address
lastName (StringFieldFilter)Customer last name for address
address1 (StringFieldFilter)First line of address
address2 (StringFieldFilter)Second line of address
address3 (StringFieldFilter)Third line of address
city (StringFieldFilter)Address city
province (StringFieldFilter)Address province or state
country (StringFieldFilter)Address country, using 2-letter country code
postal (StringFieldFilter)Address postal or zip code
phone (StringFieldFilter)Phone number for address
company (StringFieldFilter)Company for address
email (StringFieldFilter)Email associated with address