

When created in the Ecommerce GraphQL API, orders go through a multiple step asynchronous process as follows:

  1. API call to create order
  2. Custom Object saved to Custom Object data store (see: Ecommerce GraphQL API and Custom Objects)
  3. Order data written to v3, DeepData order and customer APIs.

When an API call is made to create an order, a contact and an Ecommerce Customer are immediately created in ActiveCampaign. Asynchronously (usually within a few seconds), the Custom Object records are written. After those are completed, another asynchronous step runs to copy that order data into the v3 DeepData data store.

If a user writes directly to the v3 DeepData order API, that data will never be copied back into the Custom Object data store. The data will be out of sync. For this reason, we suggest never using the v3 DeepData order API directly. Rather, write all orders to the GraphQL API.

The Order Created and Order Updated triggers happen on Custom Object data.

The Makes a Purchase trigger happens on v3 DeepData order data.

Segments such as Last Order and Any Order trigger from the v3 DeepData order data.

Segments on Order trigger on Custom Object data, and specifically, on any Custom Object order under that contact. When an automation uses a Custom Object trigger, such as Order Created or Order Updated, then a new type of segment is available: This Order. This Order refers to the Custom Object order that triggered this automation.

Contact information

The following describes how fields from the GraphQL API are used to create contacts in ActiveCampaign.

Contact FieldGraphQL Order Field
firstNameIf customerData.firstName is provided in order, that will be used. Otherwise, shippingAddress.firstName will be used. If that is not provided, billingaddress.firstName will be used.
lastNameIf provided,customerData.lastName will be used. Otherwise, shippingAddress.lastName will be used. If that is not provided, billingaddress.lastName will be used.
phoneIf provided,customerData.phone will be used. Otherwise, shippingAddress.phone will be used. If that is not provided, billingaddress.phone will be used.

In addition, the updating or creating an order in the GraphQL API will update or create an ecommerce customer object with the following mappings:

Customer FieldGraphQL Field

Abandoned Carts

Data for carts, which triggers the abandoned cart automation, is only available in the v3 DeepData APIs.

Shopify and WooCommerce integrations follow this pattern for carts:

  1. When a cart is created, it is tracked using the v3 order API.
  2. When a user places an order for that cart, the cart transitions to an order, and that order is written to the GraphQL API. The cart in the v3 API will then transition to a v3 order (for more info on this, see: abandoned carts).



Used for retrieving a single order by primary identifiers.

Example Payload

    legacyConnectionId: 1, 
    storeOrderId: "storeOrder123"
    lineItems {
    # Additional order fields may be requested here.

Example Response

    "data": {
        "getOrder": {
            "storeOrderId": "4372658389131",
            "email": "jstolltest@activecampaign.com",
            "lineItems": [
                    "name": "Red Spatula,
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "priceAmount": 90.00

Return Type: Order

Arguments for getOrder

legacyConnectionId (int)the order's legacy connection id.
storeOrderId (string)the order's store order id.


Example Payload

{  searchOrder (filter: {
    email: {
        value: "spatula@activecampaign.com"
        filterOperator: EQ
        sort: ASC
    # Alternate filters may be applied here.
    # Additional order fields may be requested here in response
    "data": {
        "searchOrder": [
                "storeOrderId": "4372658389131",
                "email": "spatulas@activecampaign.com",
                "orderNumber": "1001"
                "storeOrderId": "4697224478859",
                "email": "spatulas@activecampaign.com",
                "orderNumber": "1004"

For information on how filters and search requests work, see: Searches.

Return Type: Order[]

Arguments for searchOrder

filter (OrderFilter)The order filter.



Insert a single order, or update it if is already exists. Existence is based on a combination of legacyConnectionId and sotreOrderId.

upsertOrder Example Payload

mutation {
        email: "spatulas@activecampaign.com"
        legacyConnectionId: 1
        storeOrderId: "storeId123"
        storeCustomerId: "storeCustomer123"
        orderNumber: "123"
        cartId: "cart123"
        storeExternalOrderId: "storeExternal123"
        creationSource: REAL_TIME
        storeCreatedDate: "2023-05-03T10:48:23Z"
        storeModifiedDate: "2023-05-03T10:48:23Z"
        storeStatus: "Order_Complete"
        normalizedStatus: COMPLETED
        locationId: "dinosaur_colorado"
        shippingMethod: "express"
        orderUrl: "https://myStore.com/orders/123"
        isTestOrder: false
        createdByRecurringPayment: false
        acceptsMarketing: true
        customerLocale: "EN_US"
        salesChannel: "web_store"
        currency: "USD"
        finalAmount: 100.01
        shippingAmount: 25.25
        discountsAmount: 12.25
        paymentMethod: "credit_card"

        billingAddress: {
          firstName: "Jane"        
					lastName: "Doe"
          address1: "1 N. Deerborn St."
          address2: "Unit #5"
          address3: "Door #3"
          city: "Chicago"
          province: "IL"
          country: "US"
          postal: "60601"
          phone: "6005550125"
          company: "ActiveCampaign"
          email:  "spatulas@activecampaign.com"
        shippingAddress: {
          firstName: "Jane"        
					lastName: "Doe"
          address1: "1 N. Deerborn St."
          address2: "Unit #5"
          address3: "Door #3"
          city: "Chicago"
          province: "IL"
          country: "US"
          postal: "60601"
          phone: "6005550125"
          company: "ActiveCampaign"
          email:  "spatulas@activecampaign.com"
        lineItems: [
            name: "SuperSpatula"
            quantity: 500
            priceAmount: 12.20
            productStorePrimaryId: "SUUUUPER"
            storeBaseProductId: "BaseyBase"
        customerData: {
          firstName: "Jane"
          lastName: "Doe"
          phone: "6005550125"
          company: "ActiveCampaign"
          smsConsentUpdatedDate: "2041-11-16T10:48:23Z"
          smsMarketingState: UNSUBSCRIBED
          smsOptInLevel: UNKNOWN
        discounts: [
             name: "Shipping Promo"
             type: SHIPPING
             discountAmount: 12.25
        notes: [
          "Order was delayed for customer"
          "Customer complaint received"
  ) {
      # More fields may be requested here.

Input fields for UpsertOrder

order ([[OrderInput](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object)](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object))

Return fields for UpsertOrder



Insert multiple orders, or update it if is already exists. Existence is based on a combination of legacyConnectionId and sotreOrderId.

Input fields for [bulkUpsertOrders](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object)

orders ([[OrderInput](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object)](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object)[])

Return fields for bulkUpsertOrders



bulkUpsertOrdersAsync is similar to the bulkUpsertOrders API, except that the data store write happens completely asynchronously. Thus, it is much higher throughput. This API is recommended for all stores.

mutation {
    orders: [
        email: "spatulas@activecampaign.com"
        legacyConnectionId: 1
        storeOrderId: "storeId123"
        storeCustomerId: "storeCustomer123"
        orderNumber: "123"
        cartId: "cart123"
        storeExternalOrderId: "storeExternal123"
        creationSource: REAL_TIME
        storeCreatedDate: "2023-05-03T10:48:23Z"
        storeModifiedDate: "2023-05-03T10:48:23Z"
        storeStatus: "Order_Complete"
        normalizedStatus: COMPLETED
        locationId: "dinosaur_colorado"
        shippingMethod: "express"
        orderUrl: "https://myStore.com/orders/123"
        isTestOrder: false
        createdByRecurringPayment: false
        acceptsMarketing: true
        customerLocale: "EN_US"
        salesChannel: "web_store"
        currency: "USD"
        finalAmount: 100.01
        shippingAmount: 25.25
        discountsAmount: 12.25
        paymentMethod: "credit_card"

        billingAddress: {
          firstName: "Jane"        
					lastName: "Doe"
          address1: "1 N. Deerborn St."
          address2: "Unit #5"
          address3: "Door #3"
          city: "Chicago"
          province: "IL"
          country: "US"
          postal: "60601"
          phone: "6005550125"
          company: "ActiveCampaign"
          email:  "spatulas@activecampaign.com"
        shippingAddress: {
          firstName: "Jane"        
					lastName: "Doe"
          address1: "1 N. Deerborn St."
          address2: "Unit #5"
          address3: "Door #3"
          city: "Chicago"
          province: "IL"
          country: "US"
          postal: "60601"
          phone: "6005550125"
          company: "ActiveCampaign"
          email:  "spatulas@activecampaign.com"
        lineItems: [
            name: "SuperSpatula"
            quantity: 500
            priceAmount: 12.20
            productStorePrimaryId: "SUUUUPER"
            storeBaseProductId: "BaseyBase"
        customerData: {
          firstName: "Jane"
          lastName: "Doe"
          phone: "6005550125"
          company: "ActiveCampaign"
          smsConsentUpdatedDate: "2041-11-16T10:48:23Z"
          smsMarketingState: UNSUBSCRIBED
          smsOptInLevel: UNKNOWN
        discounts: [
             name: "Shipping Promo"
             type: SHIPPING
             discountAmount: 12.25
        notes: [
          "Order was delayed for customer"
          "Customer complaint received"
    # More Orders may be inserted here.
  ) {

Input fields for bulkUpsertOrdersAsync

orders ([[OrderInput](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object)](https://developers.activecampaign.com/reference/orders-1#order-object))

Return fields for bulkUpsertOrdersAsync



Order Object

Order and OrderInput objects have nearly the same fields. However, in GraphQL, input and return objects must be of different types, so in the GraphQL schema, they have the types Order and Order Input.

The only difference between Order and OrderInput models is that customerData only exists on OrderInput.

NameDescriptionEquivalent v3 DeepData Order Field
storeOrderId (String) RequiredId of order in external service. Within a connection, this serves as the primary identifier of this order record.externalid
legacyConnectionId (Int!) RequiredInteger connection identifier matching the v3 API DeepData Connection ID.connectionId
lineItems (LineItem [])The line items of the order.orderProducts
orderNumber (String)Order number for the order. Order numbers are defined by the store and are generally human readable, as opposed to storeOrderId, which often is not human readable. Some stores do not have an order number. In this case, set this equal to storeOrderId.orderNumber
cartId (String)Id of cart associated with the order.externalcheckoutid
storeExternalOrderId (String)An order ID listed as external by the store. This means that the store has imported this order ID from another place.
creationSource (Enum)Source of the creation. HISTORICAL for historical sync. REAL_TIME for real-time or webhook orders. Historical orders will not trigger automations.source
email (String)The email address associated with the order.email
storeCustomerId (String)Primary identifier in the store for this customer
shippingAddress (Address)The order's shipping address.
billingAddress (Address)The order's billing address.
storeCreatedDate (String) RequiredDate order was created in the store.externalCreatedDate
storeModifiedDate (String)Date order was last modified in the store.
storeStatus (String)Status of the order, as noted in the store. This field can be any valid string, but for data integrity, each store status should map to a single, predefined status in ActiveCampaign in the field normalizedStatus.
normalizedStatus (ActiveCampaignOrderState)Normalized Status of the order in ActiveCampaign. Unlike storeStatus, this is a predefined list of statuses managed by ActiveCampaign. Must be one of: PENDING, COMPLETED, ABANDONED, RECOVERED, WAITING, CANCELLED, REFUNDED, FAILED, RETURNED, PENDING_PAYMENTstate
notes (String[])Notes related to the order.
discounts (Discount )Discounts that have been applied to this order.orderDiscounts
locationId (String)The location id of the order.
shippingMethod (String)The shipping method of the order.shippingMethod
orderUrl (String)The order URL.orderUrl
isTestOrder (Boolean)Is the order a test order?
createdByRecurringPayment(Boolean)Whether or not this order was created by a Recurring Payment.
acceptsMarketing (Boolean)Did the customer accept marketing?
customerLocale (String)Locale code that the customer uses in the store, for example, EN_US.
salesChannel (String)The order's sales channel.
currency (String)The order's currency.currency
shippingAmountThe shipping amount paid for this ordershippingAmount (stored in number of cents)
finalAmount (BigDecimal) RequiredThe final amount paid for this order, including tax and shipping.totalPrice (stored in number of cents)
discountAmount (BigDecimal)The discount amount of the order.discountAmount (stored in number of cents)
customerData (CustomerData )An object that represents fields on an order that are not saved into the Custom Object order but rather directly saved into the ecommerce contact and customer.

Line Item Object

NameDescriptionEquivalent field in v3 DeepData Order Product
legacyConnectionId (Int!) RequiredInteger connection identifier matching the v3 API DeepData Connection ID.
storeLineItemId (String)String identifier from the store that uniquely identifies the line item.
productStorePrimaryId (String)Primary identifier for this product within a store. For stores with variants, the productStorePrimaryIdis generally a unique identifier on the variant. This will match storePrimaryId on the ActiveCampaign Product object.externalid (only if GraphQL storeBaseProductId is not set)
storeBaseProductId (String)The store's primary unique identifier for the base/parent product. Matches storeBaseProductId on the ActiveCampaign Product object.externalid
productUrl (String)URL in the store of the detail page for the product of this line item.productUrl
normalizedOrderStatus (Enum)ActiveCampaign defined status of the order for this line item (matches normalizedStatus in the Order object). Must be one of: PENDING, COMPLETED, ABANDONED, RECOVERED, WAITING, CANCELLED, REFUNDED, FAILED, RETURNED, PENDING_PAYMENT
category (String)The category or collection this Line Item is in within the store.category
name: (String)Name of the line item.name
quantity (Int)Quantity of this line item purchased in this order.quantity
sku: (String)Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) of product for this line item.sku
imageUrl (String)URL of one image for the product for this line item.imageUrl
priceAmount (BigDecimal)Decimal currency amount of the total cost of this line item (not the per-item cost).price (stored in number of cents)
lineItemType (String)Type of the product for this line item, for example a digital or physical product.
fulfillmentStatus (String)The fulfillment status of this line item.
isOnSale (Boolean)Was this line item was purchased while on sale?onSale
averageRating (BigDecimal)The average customer rating of the product for this line item.averageRating
brand (String)The brand (also sometimes called vendor) of the product for this line item.brand
tags: (String[])A list of all tags of the product for this line item.tags


name (String)Name or discount code of the discount
type (Enum)Type of the discount. Must be one of: ORDER, SHIPPING
discountAmount (BigDecimal)Decimal amount of currency representing how much the discount is for


firstName (String)First name of customer. If set, this will be used in updating the first name of the contact in ActiveCampaign.
lastName (String)Last name of customer. If set, this will be used in updating the last name of the contact in ActiveCampaign.
phone (String)Phone number of customer. If set, this will be used in updating the phone number of the contact in ActiveCampaign.
company (String)Company of customer. If set, this will be used in updating the orgname of the contact in ActiveCampaign.
smsMarketingState (Enum)Sms Marketing State of customer. Must be one of: NOT_SUBSCRIBED, PENDING, REDACTED, SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED
smsOptInLevel (Enum)Opt in level for SMS marketing. Must be one of: CONFIRMED_OPT_IN SINGLE_OPT_IN UNKNOWN
smsConsentUpdatedDate (String)Date when the SMS consent was last updated. Must be in format 2019-11-16T10:48:23Z