
Stages are a way to group deals within a pipeline. A pipeline can have any number of stages within it and each stage can have any number of deals within it.

Deal stage parameters available values

For following parameters:

  • dealStage.cardRegion1
  • dealStage.cardRegion2
  • dealStage.cardRegion4
  • dealStage.cardRegion5

Use following values:

Parameter valueMeaning
contact-fullnameDeal's primary contact's full name
contact-fullname-orgnameDeal's primary contact's full name and organization name
contact-orgnameDeal's primary contact's organization name
next-actionDeal's next task due date
titleDeal's title
valueDeal's value
hideDo not show anything

For following parameters:

  • dealStage.dealOrder

Use following values:

Parameter valueMeaning
cdateDeal's created date
contact-scoreDeal's primary contact's score value
contact_nameDeal's primary contact's name
contact_orgnameDeal's primary contact's organization name
next-actionIf the direction is "ASC", deals with overdue tasks will be displayed the first, deals with no tasks will be displayed the second, and deals with upcoming tasks will be displayed the last. If the direction is "DESC", this order will be reversed.
scoreDeal's score
titleDeal's title
valueDeal's value