

Input fields for createProduct

product (ProductInput)

Return fields for createProduct

id (String!)The id of the product.
storeBaseProductId (String)The store id of the product.
baseProductName (String)The name of the product.
baseProductDescription (String)The description of the product.
baseProductStoreCreatedDate (String)The created date of the product.
baseProductStoreModifiedDate (String)The last modified date of the product.
tags (String)The tags associated with the product.
categories (String)The categories of the product.
baseProductImages (ImageData)The product's images.
baseProductUrl (String)The product's URL.
baseProductUrlSlug (String)The product's URL slug.
baseProductDimensions (PhysicalDimensions)The product's physical dimensions.
baseProductWeight (BigDecimal)The product's weight.
dimensionsUnit (DimensionsUnit)The unit of the product's dimensions.
storePrimaryId (String)The primary id of the store.
variantSku (String)The product variant's SKU.
variantName (String)The product variant's name.
variantDescription (String)The product variant's description.
variantPriceCurrency (String)The product variant's currency.
variantPriceAmount (BigDecimal)The product variant's price.
variantStoreCreatedDate (String)The created date of the product variant.
variantStoreModifiedDate (String)The modified date of the product variant.
variantImages (ImageData)The product variant's images.
variantUrl (String)The product variant's URL.
variantUrlSlug (String)The product variant's URL slug.
variantDimensions (PhysicalDimensions)The product variant's physical dimensions.
variantWeight (BigDecimal)The product variant's weight.
type (String)The product's type
status (String)The product's status
ups (String)The product's ups.
isDeleted (Boolean)Is the product deleted?
numberOfSales (Int)Number of sales of the product.
isVirtual (Boolean)Is the product virtual?
isDownloadable (Boolean)Is the product downloadable?
isVisible (Boolean)Is the product visible?
isOnSale (Boolean)Is the product on sale?
isBackordersAllowed (Boolean)Are backorders allowed for the product?
stockStatus (StockStatus)The product's stock status.
averageRatings (BigDecimal)The product's average rating.
ratingCount (Int)The number of ratings for the product.
brand (string)The product's brand.
searchKeywords (String)The product's search keywords.
condition (String)The condition of the product.
viewCount (Int)The number of product views.
attributes (JSON)The product's attributes.


Input fields for updateProduct

id (String)

product (ProductInput)

Return fields for updateProduct

id (String!)The id of the product.
storeBaseProductId (String)The store id of the product.
baseProductName (String)The name of the product.
baseProductDescription (String)The description of the product.
baseProductStoreCreatedDate (String)The created date of the product.
baseProductStoreModifiedDate (String)The last modified date of the product.
tags (String)The tags associated with the product.
categories (String)The categories of the product.
baseProductImages (ImageData)The product's images.
baseProductUrl (String)The product's URL.
baseProductUrlSlug (String)The product's URL slug.
baseProductDimensions (PhysicalDimensions)The product's physical dimensions.
baseProductWeight (BigDecimal)The product's weight.
dimensionsUnit (DimensionsUnit)The unit of the product's dimensions.
storePrimaryId (String)The primary id of the store.
variantSku (String)The product variant's SKU.
variantName (String)The product variant's name.
variantDescription (String)The product variant's description.
variantPriceCurrency (String)The product variant's currency.
variantPriceAmount (BigDecimal)The product variant's price.
variantStoreCreatedDate (String)The created date of the product variant.
variantStoreModifiedDate (String)The modified date of the product variant.
variantImages (ImageData)The product variant's images.
variantUrl (String)The product variant's URL.
variantUrlSlug (String)The product variant's URL slug.
variantDimensions (PhysicalDimensions)The product variant's physical dimensions.
variantWeight (BigDecimal)The product variant's weight.
type (String)The product's type
status (String)The product's status
ups (String)The product's ups.
isDeleted (Boolean)Is the product deleted?
numberOfSales (Int)Number of sales of the product.
isVirtual (Boolean)Is the product virtual?
isDownloadable (Boolean)Is the product downloadable?
isVisible (Boolean)Is the product visible?
isOnSale (Boolean)Is the product on sale?
isBackordersAllowed (Boolean)Are backorders allowed for the product?
stockStatus (StockStatus)The product's stock status.
averageRatings (BigDecimal)The product's average rating.
ratingCount (Int)The number of ratings for the product.
brand (string)The product's brand.


Input fields for deleteProduct

id (String)


Input fields for bulkUpsertProducts

products (ProductInput)

Return fields for bulkUpsertProducts

id (String!)The id of the product.
storeBaseProductId (String)The store id of the product.
baseProductName (String)The name of the product.
baseProductDescription (String)The description of the product.
baseProductStoreCreatedDate (String)The created date of the product.
baseProductStoreModifiedDate (String)The last modified date of the product.
tags (String)The tags associated with the product.
categories (String)The categories of the product.
baseProductImages (ImageData)The product's images.
baseProductUrl (String)The product's URL.
baseProductUrlSlug (String)The product's URL slug.
baseProductDimensions (PhysicalDimensions)The product's physical dimensions.
baseProductWeight (BigDecimal)The product's weight.
dimensionsUnit (DimensionsUnit)The unit of the product's dimensions.
storePrimaryId (String)The primary id of the store.
variantSku (String)The product variant's SKU.
variantName (String)The product variant's name.
variantDescription (String)The product variant's description.
variantPriceCurrency (String)The product variant's currency.
variantPriceAmount (BigDecimal)The product variant's price.
variantStoreCreatedDate (String)The created date of the product variant.
variantStoreModifiedDate (String)The modified date of the product variant.
variantImages (ImageData)The product variant's images.
variantUrl (String)The product variant's URL.
variantUrlSlug (String)The product variant's URL slug.
variantDimensions (PhysicalDimensions)The product variant's physical dimensions.
variantWeight (BigDecimal)The product variant's weight.
type (String)The product's type
status (String)The product's status
ups (String)The product's ups.
isDeleted (Boolean)Is the product deleted?
numberOfSales (Int)Number of sales of the product.
isVirtual (Boolean)Is the product virtual?
isDownloadable (Boolean)Is the product downloadable?
isVisible (Boolean)Is the product visible?
isOnSale (Boolean)Is the product on sale?
isBackordersAllowed (Boolean)Are backorders allowed for the product?
stockStatus (StockStatus)The product's stock status.
averageRatings (BigDecimal)The product's average rating.
ratingCount (Int)The number of ratings for the product.
brand (string)The product's brand.


Input fields for UpsertOrder

order (OrderInput)

Return fields for UpsertOrder

id (String)The id of the order that was upserted.
storeOrderId (String)The store order id of the order.
lineItems (LineItem)The line items of the order.
orderNumber (String)The order number.
cartId (String)The cart id.
storeExternalOrderId (String)The external order id.
creationSource (CreationSource)The order's creation source.
email (String)The email address associated with the order.
storeCustomerId (String)The store customer id of the order.
shippingAddress (Address)The order's shipping address.
billingAddress (Address)The order's billing address.
storeCreatedDate (String)The created date of the order.
storeModifiedDate (String)The modified date of the order.
storeStatus (String)The order status.
normalizedStatus (ActiveCampaignOrderState)The normalized order status.
notes (String)Order notes.
discounts (Discount)Order discounts.
locationId (String)The location id of the order.
shippingMethod (String)The shipping method of the order.
orderUrl (String)The order URL.
isTestOrder (Boolean)Is the order a test order?
acceptsMarketing (Boolean)Did the customer accept marketing?
customerLocale (String)The customer locale.
salesChannel (String)The order's sales channel.
currency (String)The order's currency.
finalAmount (BigDecimal)The final amount of the order.
discountAmount (BigDecimal)The discount amount of the order.
shippingAmount (BigDecimal)The shipping amount of the order.
paymentMethod (String)The order's payment method.


Input fields for bulkUpsertOrders

orders (OrderInput)

Return fields for bulkUpsertOrders

id (String)The id of the order that was upserted.
storeOrderId (String)The store order id of the order.
lineItems (LineItem)The line items of the order.
orderNumber (String)The order number.
cartId (String)The cart id.
storeExternalOrderId (String)The external order id.
creationSource (CreationSource)The order's creation source.
email (String)The email address associated with the order.
storeCustomerId (String)The store customer id of the order.
shippingAddress (Address)The order's shipping address.
billingAddress (Address)The order's billing address.
storeCreatedDate (String)The created date of the order.
storeModifiedDate (String)The modified date of the order.
storeStatus (String)The order status.
normalizedStatus (ActiveCampaignOrderState)The normalized order status.
notes (String)Order notes.
discounts (Discount)Order discounts.
locationId (String)The location id of the order.
shippingMethod (String)The shipping method of the order.
orderUrl (String)The order URL.
isTestOrder (Boolean)Is the order a test order?
acceptsMarketing (Boolean)Did the customer accept marketing?
customerLocale (String)The customer locale.
salesChannel (String)The order's sales channel.
currency (String)The order's currency.
finalAmount (BigDecimal)The final amount of the order.
discountAmount (BigDecimal)The discount amount of the order.


Input fields for bulkUpsertOrdersAsync

orders (OrderInput)

Return fields for bulkUpsertOrdersAsync

recordId (String)The record ID.